Friday, February 17, 2012

My Daily Bread!

Hey Everyone, 
   I just thought I would let you know how life has been starting to turn around for me! I have learned so many personal things about myself this past week and I realized I have been lacking in my Faith and Love for God, I have not taken time out in my day to just thank Him for all that He has given to me, I also have not been praying like I should. I am saying this because I know my life has been so bad lately and I have not been myself and I could not figure out why but then I lost something that meant a lot to me and I turned to God asking Him why? I got my answer and the answer was I was putting my school my friendships before my relationship with God. Now that I know what I was doing wrong I am taking time out of my day and putting God before everything, and to tell you the truth sense I have done this I am a happier person, yes I am still struggling and I am still having a hard time in my life but I can tell you this, I am getting through each day with a smile on my face! Thanks to my friend Bridget, she showed me a daily reflection book that is call "My Daily Bread" and I love this book it guides me and shows me what I need to work on each day to build my relationship with God.
     So, I ask every one who feel like life is impossible and hard to try and start your day off with prayer and in the middle of the day when you have a minute say I prayer to God asking Him for help, or even when you start freaking out or feeling like life is staring to suck to read out of a daily reflection book and last but not least at the end of the day before you go to bed say some prayers and reflect on your day and how God has blessed you. I am telling you this works, I have been at FUS for over 6 weeks now and I have had the hardest time here, with school, household, friends, boyfriend, family and myself, but this week I started letting God be a part of my life and I stopped controlling my life but gave it to God and this is the first week that I have felt like "Laura" again, yes I am still struggling but the struggle is not much as a burdan as it has been, and I have faith that everything is going to work out just fine!


P.s. One last thing, two amazing and powerful Sants to pray to are St. Therese and St. Anthony, there Novenas are inspiring and have so much meaning in them I encourage everyone to just reflect on the two novenas you will be amazied at what you will see and learn! They will listen to you and they will answer your prayers! They have never let me down! :D

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