Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What's new

Hey Everyone,
    Well I thought I would write on here because no one has really been updating anyone on whats going on at school! Well its the week before Spring Break and everyone is studying there little butts off, the library is full and everyone is studying except for me because I took all of my exams last week, when everyone else was just getting their study guides. I am glad all of my exam are over and now I can not wait to go home for Spring Break! Yes, I am going home and I am bring my dear friend Bridget with me! This will be the first time my family will be able to meet her and I can not wait because I know they will like her as much as I do :)....... I will try and keep every one posted on what Bridget and I do during break and I will be taking lots of pictures so I can treasure the moments forever!


Sunday, February 26, 2012

Friday, February 17, 2012

My Daily Bread!

Hey Everyone, 
   I just thought I would let you know how life has been starting to turn around for me! I have learned so many personal things about myself this past week and I realized I have been lacking in my Faith and Love for God, I have not taken time out in my day to just thank Him for all that He has given to me, I also have not been praying like I should. I am saying this because I know my life has been so bad lately and I have not been myself and I could not figure out why but then I lost something that meant a lot to me and I turned to God asking Him why? I got my answer and the answer was I was putting my school my friendships before my relationship with God. Now that I know what I was doing wrong I am taking time out of my day and putting God before everything, and to tell you the truth sense I have done this I am a happier person, yes I am still struggling and I am still having a hard time in my life but I can tell you this, I am getting through each day with a smile on my face! Thanks to my friend Bridget, she showed me a daily reflection book that is call "My Daily Bread" and I love this book it guides me and shows me what I need to work on each day to build my relationship with God.
     So, I ask every one who feel like life is impossible and hard to try and start your day off with prayer and in the middle of the day when you have a minute say I prayer to God asking Him for help, or even when you start freaking out or feeling like life is staring to suck to read out of a daily reflection book and last but not least at the end of the day before you go to bed say some prayers and reflect on your day and how God has blessed you. I am telling you this works, I have been at FUS for over 6 weeks now and I have had the hardest time here, with school, household, friends, boyfriend, family and myself, but this week I started letting God be a part of my life and I stopped controlling my life but gave it to God and this is the first week that I have felt like "Laura" again, yes I am still struggling but the struggle is not much as a burdan as it has been, and I have faith that everything is going to work out just fine!


P.s. One last thing, two amazing and powerful Sants to pray to are St. Therese and St. Anthony, there Novenas are inspiring and have so much meaning in them I encourage everyone to just reflect on the two novenas you will be amazied at what you will see and learn! They will listen to you and they will answer your prayers! They have never let me down! :D

Much Needed Weekend!

Hello, Everyone
     I think I can speak for all of us girls when I say that this weekend is greatly needed. Maryann, is going on retreat, Bridget, is going to be hanging out with Friends and doing homework, Kelly, I am guessing will be doing homework and hanging out with her boyfriend and I am starting my weekend off with spending some quality time with myself and taking time out and just being with God, after that I will be doing homework and hanging out with Bridget!


P.S. Maryann, We will be praying for you and I hope this retreat will be filled with wisdom and guidance that you are looking for and that you need!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A bright new day!!!!!

Hey everyone,
    I just wanted to write to you all because I am soooooo EXCITED!!!!!!!! This morning I woke up to an amazing text from my friend Maryann saying that Bridget, Maryann and I will be living in the Heights together! This made my day, I love starting off the day with amazing news like this. Next semester will be the best Semester of my life!


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What love really is

A woman's heart should be so hidden in God that a man has to seek Him just to find her."
— Max Lucado

This Valentines day is the first time I have a special someone to share it with. But today, we're over 300 miles apart. 

"Who will love me for me
Not for what I have done
Or what I will become
Who will love me for me
'Cause nobody has shown me what love
What love really means"

 His deep & spiritual life has help me to continue to grow and has able me to learn more about myself. The way he holds me, it's almost like there is nothing to fear. The way he smiles at me, how it just miraculously lifts up my spirits and a rush of butterflies comes over me. His deep love and protection, something I've admired him for since day one. I love the way we match with our clothes when we're together. Maybe because we just match up pretty good :) I love you Luke! 


Just a side note!

 Hello Everyone,

    I just want to say that yeah life might be hard some days and you might have those really really bad days, but trust that tomorrow will be better! Its ok to cry your eyes out and its ok to ask why and its ok to just be sad. Please know that your not alone even when your friends or family can't be there for you know that God is carring you in his arms and he will never put you down or walk away from you! Ask God to give you strangh to get you through the hard times in life and trust that He will! Jesus I trust in you!


Monday, February 13, 2012

A Bad Case of "The Mondays."

What did I do tonight? Homework first, then sat with Laura venting about life and ripping up our pictures with guys who broke our hearts. On a lighter note, I was mistaken for a figure skater today.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

I wanted to be auburn but got cherry red hair instead!

     Well I would have to say it was not one of my brightest ideas, but on Monday I thought it would be great to dye my hair auburn!
     It all began when my friend Bridget was on facebook and we where chatting and she said she was going to the store, so I asked her to pick up a few things and one of those things was hair dye. Once she got back we had lunch and she gave me the hair dye, let me tell you the color that was shown on the box was a beautiful hair color. Well me being me could not wait until after class to dye my hair so instead I just decided to color my hair an hour before my class. After putting all the hair dye in my hair I noticed that it was really looking red and it was just getting to look a lot like cherry red hair. So, 25 minutes later I started to wash it out and it kept on washing it out but the color kept on running and 15 minutes later the color was still running and I was running late for class and the water was now freezing cold. I stopped washing it out and I did my hair and ran to class. Once I got to class the teacher was doing role call and she said my name and then she said "Is Laura not here?" I said "No I am here" and she said " Oh I did not notice you  because your hair is different I like it , its really red" right then and there I new it was bad! After class I ran back to my room and I washed my hair again, and my hair was still running with color. By this time I was giving up and accepting the fact that I had cherry red hair, I was also telling my self that "Its ok its not that bad and in two weeks I can dye it back." I went to dinner that night and I saw a lot of my friends and what can I say they did not think I look my best with cherry red hair. After Monday I wanted to dye my hair back the next day, but you have to wait at least two weeks until you can dye it back so I had to wait it out! Well I waited and waited until Friday night came and I could not wait any longer and I dyed it back, but I still have some red in my hair but it looks so much better and every one keeps coming up to me and saying "wow, Laura your hair is looking so much better, I told you after a few washes it would look good" little do they know I colored it back, but I just say to them "thanks." I then think to myself "20 years from now I will look back on this and say yeah I was crazy" but hey live and learn and trust me I learned!
     P.S. One last thing I just want to give everyone a tip on Dying hair, and that is on the instructions where it say "TIP: before coloring you hair take a small piece of your hair and test it with the color to make sure this is the color that you desire" Please listen to the instructions and test a small piece of hair because you never know what color your hair might end up looking like!

Before I dyed it Back!
In the prosses of dying it back
Hair back to a normal color! (I know not the best picture I will have a better one up soon!)

Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Birthday/Break-up Shots!


35 and counting

Never having had to deal with this myself, I do what I can to help others with their break-ups. Somebody *cough* Laura *cough* has recently come to this point in her life and I am the shoulder to (metaphorically) cry on. The past 46 hours I have been with her for about 35 of them. It began Thursday night with a movie. Yesterday started with breakfast at 9:30 and lasted until 12:45 pm. In that time we did homework, followed by watching an unhealthy amount of "Friends," occasionally mentioning how we were semi-losers being curled up on the couch all day with gummy worms and the remote. She is currently sitting next to me, thanking me for introducing her to Pinterest as we continue our homework and watching the snowstorm outside. Until next time...